Interface ChordSettings


  • ChordSettings


backgroundColor?: string

The background color of the chord diagram. By default the background is transparent. To set the background to transparent either set this to 'none' or undefined

barreChordRadius?: number

Barre chord rectangle border radius relative to the fingerSize (eg. 1 means completely round edges, 0 means not rounded at all)

barreChordStrokeColor?: string

stroke color of a barre chord. Defaults to the finger color if not set

barreChordStrokeWidth?: number

stroke width of a barre chord

color?: string

Global color of the whole diagram. Can be overridden with more specifig color settings such as


titleColor or


stringColor etc.

emptyStringIndicatorSize?: number

Size of the Xs and Os above empty strings relative to the space between two strings

fingerColor?: string

Color of a finger

fingerSize?: number

Size of a finger relative to the string spacing

fingerStrokeColor?: string

stroke color of a finger. Defaults to the finger color if not set

fingerStrokeWidth?: number

stroke width of a finger or barre

fingerTextColor?: string

The color of text inside fingers or barres

fingerTextSize?: number

The size of text inside fingers or barres

fixedDiagramPosition?: boolean

When set to true the distance between the chord diagram and the top of the SVG stayes the same, no matter if a title is defined or not.

fontFamily?: string

The font family used for all letters and numbers. Please not that when using the 'handdrawn' chord diagram style setting the font family has no effect.

fretColor?: string

The color of the frets (overrides color)

fretLabelColor?: string

The color of the fret position (overrides color)

fretLabelFontSize?: number

The font size of the fret label

fretLabelPosition?: FretLabelPosition

The position of the fret label (eg. "3fr")

fretSize?: number

Height of a fret, relative to the space between two strings

frets?: number

The number of frets

noPosition?: boolean

If this is set to true, the fret (eg. 3fr) will not be shown. If the position is 1 the nut will have the same width as all other frets.

nutWidth?: number

The width of the nut (only used if position is 1)

orientation?: Orientation

Orientation of the chord diagram. Chose between "vertical" or "horizontal". Defaults to "vertical".

position?: number

The starting fret (first fret is 1). The position can also be provided with the Chord. If the position is provided via the chord, this value will be ignored.

sidePadding?: number

The minimum side padding (from the guitar to the edge of the SVG) relative to the whole width. This is only applied if it's larger than the letters inside of the padding (eg the starting fret)

stringColor?: string

The color of the strings (overrides color)

strings?: number

The number of strings

strokeWidth?: number

Global stroke width

style?: ChordStyle

Style of the chord diagram. Currently you can chose between "normal" and "handdrawn".

svgTitle?: string

The title of the SVG. This is not visible in the SVG, but can be used for accessibility.

title?: string

The title of the diagram. The title can also be provided with the Chord. If the title is provided in the chord, this value will be ignored.

titleBottomMargin?: number

Space between the title and the chord diagram

titleColor?: string

The color of the title (overrides color)

titleFontSize?: number

Font size of the title. This is only the initial font size. If the title doesn't fit, the title is automatically scaled so that it fits.

topFretWidth?: number

The width of the nut (only used if position is 1). If nutWidth is set, this value will be ignored.


Use nutWidth instead. This will be removed in the next major version.

tuning?: string[]

These are the labels under the strings. Can be any string.

tuningsColor?: string

The color of the tunings (overrides color)

tuningsFontSize?: number

The font size of the string labels

watermark?: string

Text of the watermark

watermarkColor?: string

Color of the watermark (overrides color)

watermarkFontFamily?: string

Font-family of the watermark (overrides fontFamily)

watermarkFontSize?: number

Font size of the watermark

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