
SVGuitar - JavaScript Guitar Chord Renderer

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JavaScript (TypeScript) library to create beautiful SVG guitar chord charts directly in the browser.

To see this library in action check out, a free online chord diagram creator.

Demo: [ source ]

TypeScript API Documentation:

Example chord charts:

Example Chord Chart 1 Example Chord Chart 2 Example Chord Chart 3 Example Chord Chart 4

Getting Started

<!--container of the chart-->
<div id="chart"></div>

<!--load umd script -->
<script src=""></script>

// initialize the chart
var chart = new svguitar.SVGuitarChord('#chart')

// draw the chart
/* configuration */
/* chord */

Of course, you can also add SVGuitar as a dependency to your project:

# Add the dependency to your project
npm install --save svguitar

# or
yarn add svguitar

# or
pnpm add svguitar

And then import it in your project:

import { SVGuitarChord } from 'svguitar'

const chart = new SVGuitarChord('#chart')

// draw the chart
/* configuration */
/* chord */


The SVG charts are highly customizable. For a full API documentation have a look at the TypeScript documentation.

Chart configuration is completely optional, you don't have to pass any configuration or you can only override specific settings.

Here's an example of a very customized chart:

new SVGuitarChord('#some-selector')
// array of [string, fret, text | options]
fingers: [
// finger at string 2, fret 2, with text '2'
[2, 2, '2'],

// finger at string 3, fret 3, with text '4', colored red and has class 'red'
[3, 3, { text: '4', color: '#F00', className: 'red' }],

// finger at string 4, fret 3, with text '3', triangle shaped
[4, 3, { text: '3', shape: 'triangle' }],

// an 'x' above string 6 denotes it isn't played
[6, 'x'],

// optional: barres for barre chords
barres: [
fromString: 5,
toString: 1,
fret: 1,
text: '1',
color: '#0F0',
textColor: '#F00',
className: 'my-barre-chord',

// title of the chart (optional)
title: 'F# minor',

// position (defaults to 1)
position: 9,
// Customizations (all optional, defaults shown)

* Orientation of the chord diagram. Chose between 'vertical' or 'horizontal'
orientation: 'vertical',

* Select between 'normal' and 'handdrawn'
style: 'normal',

* The number of strings
strings: 6,

* The number of frets
frets: 4,

* Default position if no positon is provided (first fret is 1)
position: 1,

* These are the labels under the strings. Can be any string.
tuning: ['E', 'A', 'D', 'G', 'B', 'E'],

* The position of the fret label (eg. "3fr")
fretLabelPosition: 'right',

* The font size of the fret label
fretLabelFontSize: 38,

* The font size of the string labels
tuningsFontSize: 28,

* Size of a finger or barre relative to the string spacing
fingerSize: 0.65,

* Color of a finger or barre
fingerColor: '#000',

* The color of text inside fingers and barres
fingerTextColor: '#FFF',

* The size of text inside fingers and barres
fingerTextSize: 22,

* stroke color of a finger or barre. Defaults to the finger color if not set
fingerStrokeColor: '#000000',

* stroke width of a finger or barre
fingerStrokeWidth: 0,

* stroke color of a barre chord. Defaults to the finger color if not set
barreChordStrokeColor: '#000000',

* stroke width of a barre chord
barreChordStrokeWidth: 0,

* Height of a fret, relative to the space between two strings
fretSize: 1.5,

* The minimum side padding (from the guitar to the edge of the SVG) relative to the whole width.
* This is only applied if it's larger than the letters inside of the padding (eg the starting fret)
sidePadding: 0.2,

* The font family used for all letters and numbers
fontFamily: 'Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif',

* Default title of the chart if no title is provided
title: 'F# minor',

* Font size of the title. This is only the initial font size. If the title doesn't fit, the title
* is automatically scaled so that it fits.
titleFontSize: 48,

* Space between the title and the chart
titleBottomMargin: 0,

* Global color of the whole chart. Can be overridden with more specifig color settings such as
* @link titleColor or @link stringColor etc.
color: '#000000',

* The background color of the chord diagram. By default the background is transparent. To set the background to transparent either set this to 'none' or undefined
backgroundColor: 'none',

* Barre chord rectangle border radius relative to the fingerSize (eg. 1 means completely round endges, 0 means not rounded at all)
barreChordRadius: 0.25,

* Size of the Xs and Os above empty strings relative to the space between two strings
emptyStringIndicatorSize: 0.6,

* Global stroke width
strokeWidth: 2,

* The width of the nut (only used if position is 1)
nutWidth: 10,

* If this is set to `true`, the starting fret (eg. 3fr) will not be shown. If the position is 1 the
* nut will have the same width as all other frets.
noPosition: false,

* The color of the title (overrides color)
titleColor: '#000000',

* The color of the strings (overrides color)
stringColor: '#000000',

* The color of the fret position (overrides color)
fretLabelColor: '#000000',

* The color of the tunings (overrides color)
tuningsColor: '#000000',

* The color of the frets (overrides color)
fretColor: '#000000',

* When set to true the distance between the chord diagram and the top of the SVG stayes the same,
* no matter if a title is defined or not.
fixedDiagramPosition: false,

* Text of the watermark (text on the bottom of the chart)
watermark: 'some watermark',

* Font size of the watermark
watermarkFontSize: 12,

* Color of the watermark (overrides color)
watermarkColor: '#000000',

* Font-family of the watermark (overrides fontFamily)
watermarkFontFamily: 'Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif',

* The title of the SVG. This is not visible in the SVG, but can be used for accessibility.
svgTitle: 'Guitar chord diagram of F# minor',

* The fret markers. See type docs for more options.
fretMarkers: [
2, 4, 6, 8, {
fret: 11,
double: true,

* Flag to show or disable all fret markers globally. This is just for convenience.
* The fret markers can also be removed by not setting the fretMarkers property.
showFretMarkers: true,

* The shape of the fret markets. Applies to all fret markets unless overridden
* on specific fret markers. Defaults to circles.
fretMarkerShape: 'circle',

* The size of a fret marker. This is relative to the space between two strings, so
* a value of 1 means a fret marker spans from one string to another.
fretMarkerSize: 0.4,

* The color of the fret markers.
fretMarkerColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)',

* The stroke color of the fret markers. By default, the fret markets have no border.
fretMarkerStrokeColor: '#000000',

* The stroke width of the fret markers. By default, the fret markets have no border.
fretMarkerStrokeWidth: 0,

* The distance between the double fret markers, relative to the width
* of the whole neck. E.g. 0.5 means the distance between the fret markers
* is equivalent to 0.5 times the width of the whole neck.
doubleFretMarkerDistance: 0.4



Pull Requests are very welcome!

Projects using SVGuitar

Here are some projects that use svguitar:

Are you using SVGuitar? Create an issue to get your project listed here! Or simply create a pull request with your project added.

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